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Eglinton Primary School, Eglinton

Settled in and ready for the exciting life and learning journey in Y4.

30th Sep 2024

Well the journey has begun and our intrepid leader Mr G has shown us the new ropes and cast us off into the unknown journey ahead; that he calls Year 4. The class motto is "be safe, happy and ready to learn!" Now that we are settled and know the rules and regulations (where stuff goes, when stuff is to be done and how to do stuff) we are fully underway.

The Journey so far.

English/Literacy: Spellings - We have been put into mythical creature groups and have both rhyme and frequency words to learn each week (The frequency words are the tricky ones)

Reading - We have been set into our guided reading groups and are already accustomed to reading with our group and with the different adults who help us. We have also started our Accelerated Reading Programme and are working towards 100% results in each quiz (whenever possible, this isn't always the case, but Mr. G is happy if we try our best) in order to gain treasure (raffle tickets for the special prize assemblies that we can see on the horizon)

Maths/Numeracy - We have started to learn our times tables and complete daily and weekly speed tests. We have also been working with place value, addition and subtraction, mental arithmetic and problem solving. At the moment and for the next while we will be concentrating on time (digital and analogue) in all of the intervals (hour, half hour, quarter hours, 5 minutes and even one minute times if possible) we will be using traditional methods and using modern ICT programmes/learning games to help push us on and Mr. G has encouraged us all to use a watch and tell the time at home whenever possible. He says that a bit of "real life" maths will help us learn more and quicker, "sshh, but we already know when break, lunch and school finish times are!"

PE: - We have been doing a healthy mixture of core strength exercises, fundamental movement, listening games, exercise to simply keep fit and fun stuff (which usually involves listening games).

Topic - Me & My Family - This celebrates and helps us learn about things such as being different, health, families, jobs (new and old) and how we fit in to the world around us and what we may face when growing up. It also encompasses a lot of discussion and learning from our Paths programme (Promoting Alternative THinking strategies)

Next stop - Halloween...