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Eglinton Primary School, Eglinton
Afterschool Clubs can be paid on the school money app - this payment must be made before 9 the morning the club starts.
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September in Year 4

1st Oct 2019

All the children have settled in really well to Year 4, and have been working hard.  Their first topic was Animals in Danger, based on the animals they chose for their table groups.  Some excellent poems were written, and they wrote reports about pandas. 

The children enjoyed trying out Skills School Dance (they are also very fond of doing raps to help them learn their times tables), and they especially loved learning how to code from visitors from the Nerve Centre.  Isa-Mae was especially excited to welcome her mum and Jean from Eglinton Eyecare, for a really informative and fun lesson about taking care of our eyes.

In Maths, they have been learning the two and ten times tables, and have been learning about multiplication and place value.