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Eglinton Primary School, Eglinton


2016/2017 School Year

17th May 2017
We are always delighted to see the medals and trophies won by children in their...
16th May 2017
This year Eglinton PS entered their first netball league.  The team was made...
15th May 2017
We are delighted to announce that we have another Word Millionaire in our Accelerated...
15th May 2017
Today pupils had a talk on Farm Safety.  It covered keeping safe around animals,...
15th May 2017
Come and take a trip back in time with Y4. As a finale to our WWII studies we were...
9th May 2017
Well done to Karl for being Year 3's competition winner.  The message of the...
4th May 2017
Today 28 girls from Key Stage 2 went into the 3G pitches in Limavady to take part...
3rd May 2017
Year 2 had a great time searching for bugs and building a Bug Hotel.  Thanks...
3rd May 2017
Year 2 have been busy finding out lots about Minibeasts.