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Eglinton Primary School, Eglinton


2017/2018 School Year

15th Sep 2017
The children really enjoyed their talk about Road Safety, and a chance to get a...
15th Sep 2017
We had a very entertaining and informative lesson from a member of Cancer Focus,...
15th Sep 2017
A team from Cancer Focus Northern Ireland visited school to help all classes learn...
15th Sep 2017
The Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 pupils enjoyed an informative presentation...
14th Sep 2017
Some of the Year 7 children loved reading with the boys and girls in Year 5!
14th Sep 2017
For Golden Time the children in Year 7 asked to have the wall bars and other P.E....
1st Sep 2017
The children have made a great start back to school. They are in the same classroom,...

2016/2017 School Year

30th Jun 2017
Congratulations to Mrs Quigley and Mrs Cormie, who successfully completed a year's...
29th Jun 2017
Children, teachers and the wider school community from Broadbridge and Eglinton...
29th Jun 2017
On Tuesday we said farewell to our Year 7 Class of 2017. They entertained us well...