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Eglinton Primary School, Eglinton
Everyone welcome to our Open Night - Wednesday 8th January 2025 - 6pm
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Using ICT


Using ICT (Information and Communications Technology) describes the ability to handle and communicate information, solve problems, pose questions and be creative through the use of technology.  Through ICT in Eglinton, pupils have opportunities to transfer their knowledge, understanding and skills in a variety of meaningful contexts across the curriculum. This includes:


·       collaborating inside and outside the classroom;

·       sharing and exchanging work; and

·       exhibiting and showcasing their learning.


All classes in Eglinton have touchscreens with connected Apple TV.  Each key stage has its own set of 10-16 iPads, which they are able to be used for individual activities or shared for group work.    Plus there is a class set of 30 ipads which can be timetabled for use with each class.  These resources are used effectively to enhance teaching and learning.  The staff are receiving expert-led training on the use of iPads and are developing the use of educational technology within their classrooms. Staff continue to develop their expertise and confidence in this area of ICT through ongoing support and training from the ICT team and outside agencies. 


This year Eglinton PS participated in EU Code Week, teaching and developing children's interest in coding and programming, with special lessons from Coder Dojo Derry for Yr 3 - 7.  In addition to this every pupil in the school completed an Hour of Code over EU Code week, with some pupils receiving a special certificate. 


In addition to this we have a class set of 32 Chromebooks for Key Stage 2 children to access Google Classroom – in effect becoming a paperless classroom!  In each Key Stage Resource area children have access to laptops/PC’s, which are used by all classes on a regular basis.

We have 6 Digital Leaders from Year 6, who

·         Test and review new apps.

·         Share their skills and expertise with other pupils, classes and teachers.

·         Set up ICT equipment in classrooms for teachers, when required

·         Charge and deliver Chromebooks to classes under a timetable.

·         Update and download apps.

·         Provide first line Technical Support in school.

·         Create help guides for staff and pupils.